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Becoming a living wage region

The living wage in London is higher than the provincial legislated minimum wage: it’s $16.20 an hour.

Several municipalities in Ontario have taken steps toward embedding a living wage

standard, such as Kingston, Hamilton, and Cambridge. Governments that set the local living

wage calculation as a standard raise the bar for other employers in the community, which is

a key strategy to reducing working poverty and income inequality.

There are good reasons for all public and private sector employers to become a Living Wage Employer. In fact, without being aware of it many businesses in London, Ontario already pay their employees a Living Wage.

By paying their staff members a living wage, employers are making a statement about the values that drive their businesses, their commitment to employees and their involvement in the community. Living wage employers are seen as responsible business leaders committed to the growth of the community and local economy through the creation of workplaces that encourage increased productivity, dedication, and employee health and morale.

Read the London Free Press story about London's current living wage rate.


Read the full report on London's living wage here.

To learn how to become a living wage employer, please contact us at

Learn more about Ontario's growing living wage movement at


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